Asset Publisher easier to use

Notice Written on 14.6.2016 All notices

The website can now be easily accessed also with a tablet and mobile phone. The site content is modified to suit whichever device is being used. The RSS feed has also been improved.

The website has been updated to respond and adapt to the device being used. Individual styles have been created for PCs, tablets and phones. As the screen width of the device being used is reduced, the content elements move below each other and the navigation becomes more compact. The site is now genuinely mobile-responsive and easier to use with different devices.

The font size has been considerably increased in the versions designed for tablets and mobile phones. Usability has been improved by the addition of navigation to the summary pages. This has made browsing the pages clearer. Further changes include the positioning of the feedback channel and site map only at the bottom of the page.

The changes were made possible by the version upgrade of the website publication system.
Reorder RSS feed

RSS feeds are now divided into information bulletins and fault notices. Due to the publication system update, previously ordered RSS feeds no longer operate, and users must reorder the feed.