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11.7.2024, Notice

MyKanta is open all summer – read our tips for the holidays

MyKanta, Finland’s most popular social welfare and health care online service, will be providing assistance in health matters throughout the holiday season. Important information will travel with you from one wellbeing services county to another and even abroad with the Kanta Services. Find out how we assist holidaymakers.

6.6.2024, Notice - Professionals

If you consent, your patient data can be accessed in Estonia

You can now give your consent in MyKanta for the transfer of your patient data to other European countries. Initially, patient data will only be accessible by Estonian health care services. This reform will improve the exchange of health data and the quality of care.

26.3.2024, Notice - Developers

Kantaan voi tallentaa uusia kuva-aineistoja

Kantaan voi nyt tallentaa suun intraoraalikuvia, optisen alan kuvia ja laboratoriojärjestelmällä tehtyjä EKG-tutkimuksia. Terveydenhuolto voi tiedustella käyttöönoton aikataulua järjestelmätoimittajaan.

7.3.2024, Notice - Developers

The certification process pages have been updated based on client feedback

We redesigned the pages describing the certification process based on client feedback from IT system providers, among other things. The certification process is for verifying the compliance of social welfare and health care services’ IT systems with the relevant requirements.

12.2.2024, Notice - Citizens

You can now record your measurement results in MyKanta

The MyKanta online service is being developed, and now everyone can record their measurement results directly in MyKanta. The first data that you can record are your weight, heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.