Development of structured content in the client data archive of social welfare services

Development of structured content in the client data archive of social welfare services

The comprehensive storage of structured documents in the client data archive in social welfare services will be introduced during 2022 as regulated by THL.

The THL regulation, which entered into force at the end of 2021, allows for the comprehensive storage of structured documents in the social welfare client data archive as of 2022.

More than 200 document structures in total will be deployed in the archive; the structures will be published in THL's Sosmeta service (

The introduction of structured documents allows for the

  • once-only entry of social welfare client data
  • utilisation of data
  • secondary use of data.

To enable the utilisation of documents, the documents must be compatible technically and with regard to content, and must comply with the definitions given. The accuracy and structural compatibility of client data and documents are verified by means of validation.

Client data systems also play a key role in the validation of data. The sooner the service provider recording data receives feedback on possible deficiencies or errors in the data, the higher the quality of the data stored in the client data archive.


High-quality client data benefits social welfare professionals and organisations as well as the citizens who use social welfare services.

When the data generated in social welfare client work is recorded and stored in the Kanta Services according to a national standard, professionals will find easy to retrieve the data they need in all essential client service situations.

High-quality client data can also be utilised in the secondary uses of the data.

What the change requires from the client

  • Structured recording of data has been introduced and the staff have received training.
  • Document structures have been adopted in the social welfare service.
  • The functionalities of structured recording and storage in client data systems have been developed in accordance with the requirements.

More information about the definitions

Last updated 22.12.2023