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Pharmacy customer satisfaction survey 2021: Pharmacies satisfied with Kanta Services

Notice Written on 4.4.2022 All notices

In November 2021, Kanta Services investigated pharmacies' satisfaction with the Prescription service and cross-border prescription. No fewer than 93% of pharmacies were satisfied with the operation of Kanta Services as a whole. The survey did, however, also indicate areas for development.

The target group of the customer satisfaction survey comprised Finland’s 630 main pharmacies as well as Helsinki University Pharmacy’s branch pharmacies. A total of 130 responses were received. This was the first survey of its kind for pharmacies, its purpose being to improve Kanta Services in addition to Kanta service operations and communications. Respondents were also invited to give free-text feedback.

Pharmacies more satisfied than other health and social services organisations

No fewer than 93% of the respondents in the pharmacy survey were happy with how Kanta Services worked on the whole, and a large majority (90%) also felt that Kanta Services were of benefit to them. Pharmacies considered Kanta Services more useful than other organisations in health and social services did (public health care: 71%, private: 62%). Health and social services organisations were similarly polled in autumn 2021.

Kanta information security and protection are trusted

Pharmacies as well as other health and social services organisations considered information security and protection to be of an excellent standard in Kanta Services: A total of 98% of the respondents were either quite or rather happy with the level of information protection and security.

As Kanta Services are used more and become better known, more investments will be made in information security and protection and in publicity on this topic. This will boost customer confidence in the services. Through Kanta Services, information is transferred safely both between professionals and from professionals to citizens, and vice versa.

Customer-oriented service development 

About 75% of the respondents in the pharmacy survey felt that they had been appropriately trained in the use of Kanta Services, while only about 50% of them were happy with the support provided for the introduction of Kanta Services and for changes implemented. The smallest pharmacies were the happiest with the support provided.

Kanta Services are being constantly improved, and training opportunities for pharmacy employees are provided for instance through training videos. Browse Kanta training videos (in Finnish and Swedish).

Efforts are also being made to streamline the introduction of the Prescription service in Kanta Services. Particular attention will be given to services, support and their monitoring.

Successes achieved and improvement needed in communications

The majority (70%) of respondents felt that they receive sufficient information on Kanta Services. The highest satisfaction score among pharmacies was given to maintenance communications (83%). There were comments about disruption communications being slow, and accordingly work is being done to make disruption messaging better and quicker. 

Only about half of the pharmacies used the Kanta newsletters, as opposed to 75% of the respondents in the health and social services organisations survey finding the newsletter useful. Pharmacies also used the online service less than other health and social services organisations. 

Work is being done to improve the customer experience by making it, for instance, easier to find information intended for specific target groups. Another aim is to make the content of the Kanta newsletter more relevant to pharmacies.

Development of Kanta Services

Among the respondents, 62% reported that Kanta Services development met their needs very well, and 90% recognised how the services benefited their organisation. Nevertheless, only one in ten respondents felt that it was possible for them to contribute to Kanta Services development.  

We wish to enable better potential for pharmacies to contribute to Kanta Services development through networks and through interest groups. Kanta Services will keep evolving as long as we are all involved.