Pharmacy changes

Pharmacy changes

Pharmacy changes are announced in Kanta Services. Updates are submitted either on the Kanta Extranet or by using a form at least three weeks before the change takes place.

Updates about relinquishing a pharmacy licence or a change in the connection point to the electronic prescription service are submitted using a form.​​

A change in the name or address of a pharmacy is reported to Fimea's pharmacy register, from where the information is transferred to the Kanta Services.

Examples of changes include

Change of pharmacist

If you have not previously held a pharmacy licence and the licence applies to an existing pharmacy.

​​​The following steps must be completed before taking possession of a pharmacy:

  1. Report the takeover date to Fimea's pharmacy register. Submitting an application on the Kanta Extranet requires that the takeover date has been entered in the pharmacy register.
  2. Become a Kanta Services customer and use the electronic prescription service by filling out an electronic application on the Kanta Extranet under Service – Prescription.
    • Submit your application about 3 weeks before taking over the pharmacy. The earliest an application can be filed in Kanta Ekstranet is 30 days before a takeover.
    • You will receive an email notification when your account has been approved. 
  3. Join the direct reimbursement system (
  4. Update your personal and your pharmacy's contact person’s details immediately upon taking over the pharmacy on the Kanta Extranet under Pharmacies. This will help make sure that you receive all bulletins related to the electronic prescription service.

If you have previously held a pharmacy licence and the new licence applies to an existing pharmacy

The following steps must be completed before taking possession of a pharmacy:

  1. Report the takeover date to Fimea's pharmacy register.
  2. Your previous agreement to join the electronic prescription service will remain valid, so there is no need to report the matter to the Kanta Services.  
  3. Report the change of pharmacist to Kela's insurance district regarding the direct reimbursement agreement using the change notification form (
  4. Update your personal and your pharmacy's contact person’s details immediately upon taking over the pharmacy on the Kanta Extranet under Pharmacies. This will help make sure that you receive all bulletins related to the electronic prescription service.

If you have two pharmacies and are giving one up

Do the following:

  1. Update your personal contact details and your pharmacy's contact person’s details on the Kanta Extranet under Pharmacies.
  2. Notify Kela's insurance district of the change of pharmacist using the change notification form (

No notice of termination needs to be sent from the pharmacy to the Kanta service. The Kanta Services receive the information about the change of pharmacist through Fimea's Pharmacy Register.

If you are relinquishing your pharmacy licence and will stop practising as a pharmacist

Before you stop practising as a pharmacist, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Terminate the electronic prescription service with a notice of termination in the Kanta Services (pdf) approximately 3 weeks before the termination date. Fill in your name and the pharmacist’s OID under Customer information. Sign and send the form by e-mail to or by post to the address shown on the form.
  2. Update your details and the invoicing address for the final invoice for the Kanta Services user fee on the Kanta Extranet under Pharmacies.
  3. Also notify the insurance district that handles pharmacy accounting matters.

Changes to the pharmacy’s technical information

Report changes to the pharmacy's technical information using the change notification form.

Changes in technical information include, for example:

  • a change of IP address
  • the addition of a new connection point (e.g. a new subsidiary pharmacy)
  • the removal of a connection point (e.g. closure of a subsidiary pharmacy)
  • a change of pharmacy information system.

Submit notification of the change to the Kanta Services at least 3 weeks before the changes go live by sending an e-mail to

Establishing a new pharmacy

The following steps must be completed before establishing a new pharmacy:

  1. Report the date of establishment to Fimea's pharmacy register. Submitting an application in the Kanta Services requires that the takeover date has been entered in the pharmacy register.
  2. Report the date of the pharmacy's establishment to the Kanta Services
  3. If you have not previously held a pharmacy licence, join the Kanta Services and the electronic prescription service by filling out an application on the Kanta Extranet under Service – Prescription 3 weeks before the pharmacy’s date of establishment.
  4. If you have previously owned a pharmacy, your agreement to join the Kanta Services and the electronic prescription service will also be valid for your new pharmacy.
  5. Submit the information of the pharmacy's connection point using the change notification form for technical changes (pdf) 3 weeks before the pharmacy opens.
  6. Request the necessary Kela codes and join Kela's direct reimbursement system (
  7. Update your personal and your pharmacy's contact person’s details immediately upon taking over the pharmacy on the Kanta Extranet under Pharmacies. This will help make sure that you receive all bulletins related to the electronic prescription service.

Change of pharmacy status

Changes in the status of the pharmacy should be reported in the following situations:

  • a main pharmacy is made a subsidiary pharmacy
  • a subsidiary pharmacy is made a main pharmacy
  • you establish a new subsidiary pharmacy
  • a subsidiary pharmacy will be transferred to another main pharmacy.

The notification is submitted to the Kanta Services by e-mail

If changes are made to the technical information of the main or a subsidiary pharmacy as a result of a change of status, report them to Kanta Services with a notification of changes (see changes in technical information).

Terminating and closing down of a pharmacy practice

The pharmacist will notify the Kanta Service of the termination of practice or closure of the operations of a main or subsidiary pharmacy and at the same time will send a request for the deletion of technical information with a notification of changes (see changes technical information).

During a temporary closure of a pharmacy, the connection to the Prescription Centre will be terminated at the request of the pharmacist. The connection to the Prescription Centre will be reopened at the request of the pharmacist or, if the pharmacist changes during the temporary closure, once a new pharmacist takes over the pharmacy. The temporary closure will not appear in the register of pharmacies.

If the pharmacist terminates their pharmacy practice, complete the steps provided under change of pharmacist and relinquishing of pharmacy licence.  

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Last updated 18.2.2025