Specifications of medical certificates and forms

Specifications of medical certificates and forms

Specifications of medical certificates and forms are published on this page. The page is available in Finnish only.

The schedules for the deployment of forms in the client test and production environment of the Patient Data Repository are described in the publication schedule.

In addition to archiving, medical certificates can also be shared electronically with Kela’s benefit processing. The use of the Delivery of Medical Certificates will be started with the query functionality. Information about organisations using Delivery of Medical Certificates and the contents received by them, including the start times, will be updated in the code set Viestinvälitys – Sanoman vastaanottaja (Messaging – Message recipient) code set in the National Code Service.

This page is in Finnish only because the specifications of the Patient Data Repository are available in Finnish only.

Further information

Last updated 22.11.2024