Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions

On this page you can learn more about the terms and definitions related to the Kanta Services.

Learning about the terms and definitions helps to get an overall picture of the Kanta Services.

The terms and definitions are not in alphabetical order.

The Archivist’s Interface is an online user interface, providing a view to the controller's data in the Patient Data Repository and the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services. As a rule, archivists have a right to process the data in the registers of their own organisation.

The Archivist’s Interface is available in the client test service, and logging in requires a test healthcare professional card.

If necessary, information system suppliers are also requested to supply an architecture description at the logical level together with the registration form for joint testing. The purpose of the architecture description is to clarify the entity to be tested.

It is recommended to present the following matters in the description:

  • interfaces with the Kanta Services
  • different systems belonging to a possible system entity and their mutual division of tasks and integrations
  • where messages or documents are created and from where they are archived in the Kanta Services service
  • requests and/or interactions used
  • search process.

The architecture description must be provided at least when registering for joint testing of the Patient Data Repository and the Imaging Data Repository, or when requested.

A social welfare or healthcare organisation or pharmacy that takes part in joint testing as a client tester for an information system supplier.

A joint testing phase where the service functionalities and information contents are tested more widely in the client organisation's test environment in the same way as in production use.

The purpose of testing is to verify the functioning between the information system and the Kela services when used by the client organisation.

A package that includes the validation service, joint testing coordinated by the Kanta Services and support during independent testing by the client. Also includes two test environments: the client test environment and the production image environment.

When the client joins the client test service, they will be given access to the test environment and provided with test IDs for use in the environment.

The Kanta code set service of the client test service (client test and production image environments) has copies, for example, of the  social welfare and healthcare organisation register.

All address links in the client test service are added to the list of addresses of the test environment, which is part of the Kanta code set service. The addresses of the client test service and the related openings are updated manually as and when necessary.

The application to join the client test service includes technical information, on the basis of which the joining organisations are given the necessary rights and access to the retrieved environment: either the client test environment or the production image environment.

The application to join the client test service also includes information about contact persons. Every service has its own application.

The client test environment (CT environment) is the principal environment for joint testing. Joining the client test environment means technical joining from the joining party's own test environment. The client test environment includes the next development version from the production environment.

Information system suppliers and client organisations that have joined the client test environment of the Kanta Services have an opportunity to test the functionalities of their information systems in the client test environment.

The Act on the Processing of Client Data in Social Welfare and Health Care (finlex.fi, in Finnish), hereinafter the Client Data Act, includes provisions on the processing of client data in social welfare and healthcare services.

It also includes 86 §, e.g. on joint testing organised by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland.

Before starting the joint testing, the system supplier carries out content-specific preliminary test cases and reports their testing results to the Kanta Services on the registration form.  Joint testing will not start until the Kanta Services have accepted the preliminary test cases. 

The preliminary test cases are found on the registration form published on the Kanta.fi website.

EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, which must be complied with in joint testing. The organisation carrying out the testing must take GDPR into account, e.g. in its own test material.

The Kanta Service entity uses HL7 interface definitions. They guarantee the compatibility of messages and documents produced by the systems joining the services.

The system indicates in joint testing that it meets the key requirements concerning interoperability and functionalities. After meeting these requirements, the joint testing phase or the entire joint testing can be approved.

The registration form for joint testing is specific to each Kanta service. The Kanta Services establishes the system’s readiness for joint testing on the basis of preliminary test cases reported on the registration form. Information about the system to undergo joint testing is also reported on the registration form.

Registration must be done two months before the preferred time of starting the joint testing.

A plan on the publications to be included in the Kanta Services. Composed together with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and Kela.

The publication schedule (in Finnish only) plan sets out the schedules for joint testing and when the system supplier must start the production of the functionality in question at the latest if a deadline has been specified for it.

Information system suppliers for the healthcare and social welfare services shall enter on THL’s system form the functions and data contents pertaining to the key requirements that are part of the purpose of use of the system or the wellbeing application.

The system form must be delivered to Kela before the planned start of joint testing, in connection with registration, and it provides guidance through the process of system certification.

Further information about the use of the system form is provided by THL.

THL maintains the National Code Service, which is an information system containing classifying and identifying code sets and form structures used at national level. It also includes the SOTE organisation register.

An information system joining the Kanta Services may be

  • a patient data system
  • a client data system in social welfare services
  • a pharmacy system
  • a prescription application
  • a sub-system connected to the above
  • a wellbeing application joining Kanta PHR.

Designed to ensure that a system is technically compliant with the Kanta Services when used in the production environment. This ensures that the service provider and the system used are ready for production use as part of the Kanta Services. The deployment test is performed on a test case in accordance with instructions received from the Kanta Services. The test is performed in a certified system in the Kanta Services production environment. A 900 series personal identity code is needed, which the client organisation receives from the system supplier.

In the Prescription Centre service, the deployment test is performed when a new system supplier is ready to carry out a deployment with its first client. With subsequent clients, the corresponding process involves ensuring satisfactory performance in production use.

More information about the deployment phase in various Kanta Services.

Methodical testing of a system or system component in the final use environment or by end users. Systems joining the Kanta Services or their functionalities are deployment tested by the social welfare or healthcare organisation or pharmacy in its capacity as the supplier’s client.

As part of its own deployment testing process, the client must ensure that the system is ready for production use. Kela does not participate in the deployment testing.

Joint testing is not a part of or replacement for system, approval or deployment testing.  Client organisations that wish to ensure that a system undergoing deployment testing is Kanta compliant must perform a deployment test.

A notice of change must be sent to Kela and the information security inspection body when a key change having an impact on the Kanta Services is made in contents that have already undergone joint testing. The information system supplier is responsible for notifying of the change. THL has defined key changes in its instructions.

THL has specified key changes in the guidelines related to regulation 4/2024, annex 2 (thl.fi, in Finnish).

Change testing can be initiated by the system provider by submitting a notice of change form, or by Kela after a change to specifications, for example. A joint-testing statement on change testing is generated. 

Requirements which social welfare and healthcare systems must meet and which concern functionality, compatibility and information security.

Compliance is verified as follows:

  1. The system supplier notifies on THL’s system form the purpose of use of the system and the functionalities and data contents that the system supports (class A and B).
  2. Kela verifies the interoperability of the information system (class A2 and A3) in joint testing.
  3. The information security inspection body verifies that the information system meets the information security requirements (class A).

This verification process is referred to as certification.

The client test environment (AT) and the production image environment (TK) have a MyKanta test service, the contents of which complies with the versions of Kanta PHR, the Patient Data Repository and the Prescription service in the test environment.

In terms of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, MyKanta will be expanded in phases.

In MyKanta test service, data is retrieved directly with the test patient’s personal identity code without the requirement of strong authentication.

MyKanta is not yet in use in the Imaging Data Repository.

No joint-testing statement is generated on self-testing. Coordination provided by Kela may differ with regard to testing content. 

A sub-system (previously a separate system) is an information system that forms a functional system entity with the core system. 

Not all necessary data in terms of the patient’s care and archiving is usually managed in a sub-system, but it is a function-specific system such as, for instance, sub-systems for imaging and the laboratory.

The system profile is specified in further detail, and the extent of data content and functionalities is documented in the joint testing statement and report. For example, the information system associated with the Patient Data Repository (basic system) profile has functionality only for the archival of recorded patient data and in the functionalities of management of data sharing.

A joint testing phase where the testing environment of two or several information systems is tested to ensure that the messages produced by the information systems can be technically interpreted with the same contents in all information systems taking part in the testing.

A certified system must take part in cross-testing to verify that an uncertified system is capable of carrying out joint testing. This obligation has been recorded in the Client Data Act.

The manufacturer of an information system or wellbeing application must prove that class A2 and A3 information systems complies with the requirements

  • by providing an account of the purpose of use of the information system or information system service and of the fact how the system meets the key requirements applying to it (on THL’s system form),
  • with accepted joint testing, and
  • with a certificate on the information security inspection issued by an information security inspection body.

The conformity of a class A1 information system is proven

  • by providing an account of the purpose of use of the information system or information system service and of the fact how the system meets the key requirements applying to it (on THL’s system form), and
  • with a certificate on the information security inspection issued by an information security inspection body.

Transitional provisions, i.e. deadlines, for example, for deployments and joining obligations are available in section 102 of the Client Data Act (finlex.fi, in Finnish).

Inspection meetings are held during joint testing in accordance with a schedule to be agreed separately. The Kanta Services convenes the inspection meetings.

In the inspection meeting, the progress of testing is monitored by going through the test results and any errors detected together with the operators taking part in the testing phase. The Kanta Services shall assess the re-testing need and the success and passing of tests. Moreover, keeping to the timetable is monitored and the transition to the next testing phase is assessed in the inspection meeting.

Client organisations and pharmacies must deliver to the Kanta Services a testing plan in connection with joining and provide a reason for the need to join the production image environment. The Kanta Services will assess whether to accept the application on the basis of the testing plan.

The contents of the testing plan are described in the instructions for joining the Kanta client test service.

A test card provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV), corresponding to the healthcare professional card in the test environment. Only a test card and a test professional card may be used in the client test service.

The Kanta Services can provide a reasonable amount of test material (e.g. medicine dispensations and renewal requests) for the use of the information system supplier on request. The delivery time of the test material is about two weeks.

The information systems and wellbeing applications in the social welfare and healthcare services are divided into class A1, A2, A3 or B according to their purpose of use and functionalities.

The National Institute for Health and Welfare can provide more detailed instructions on the determination of information system classes:

All class A information systems and wellbeing applications must be certified, i.e. they must provide an account of meeting the key requirements concerning the system and carry out an information security assessment conducted by an outside assessment body. 

In addition, class A2 and A3 information systems must carry out and pass joint testing coordinated by Kela’s Kanta Services.

The conformity of a class B information system must be proven with a written account provided by the manufacturer with regard to whether the system meets the key requirements when appropriately installed, maintained and used according to its purpose of use.

All class A or B information systems and wellbeing applications must be registered in an information system register maintained by Valvira.

A joint testing phase for testing the functionality between the information system and the Kanta Services with the aid of various test cases. This is the most extensive and time-consuming phase in joint testing.

Class A systems joining the Kanta Services and the Kanta delivery services must pass an information security inspection carried out by an information security inspection body as part of the certification. The information system supplier is responsible for making sure that the information security inspection is carried out.

The information security inspection of the  information systems or wellbeing applications (classes A2 and A3) is carried out after the joint testing when joining the Kanta Services first time. A general recommendation is that the information security inspection can be started at the earliest when the system has progressed to the cross-testing phase.

As a result of an accepted information security inspection, the system or delivery service will receive a certificate of the information security inspection / information security certificate, which is required of a system joining the Kanta Services in accordance with the Client Data Act.

In accordance with THL’s regulation 4/2024 (pdf, thl.fi, in Finnish), the certificate of information security inspection means a certificate issued by an accepted information security inspection body confirming that the information system or information system service has successfully passed the information security inspection.

Joining the production image environment refers to technical joining from the joining organisation’s own test environment. The production image environment has the application versions corresponding to the production environment. The production image environment is a test environment meant primarily for independent testing.

Client organisations must provide a reason for joining the Kanta production image environment and send a testing plan to the Kanta Services in connection with the joining application.

Joint testing has already been completed and approved for the system, and this is supplemented due to the needs of either Kela or the system provider. A joint-testing statement on supplemental testing is generated.

Re-tests form testing rounds. A testing round starts when the information system supplier or its client organisation makes corrections to observations made in the inspections carried out by the Kanta Services.  After the corrections, the information system supplier or client organisation will carry out a new test and the Kanta Services will verify the test results.

In accordance with the Client Data Act (finlex.fi, in Finnish) ​​​​​​, the conformity of a class A information system and wellbeing application must be demonstrated with certification.

Conformity means that the system or wellbeing application meets the key requirements concerning interoperability, information security and data protection, as well as functionality.

 The conformity certificate was previously a requirement for an information system to join Kanta.

Certificates of conformity are no longer issued as a result of the previous Client Data Act (finlex.fi, in Finnish), which entered into force on 1.11.2021.

The browser-based tool for independent testing and as part of joint testing, used for verifying the data structures of HL7 CDA R2 documents.

Documents reported to Kela must be inspected in the validation service before submitting the test cases in joint testing. The validation service is freely available for use and free of charge.

THL has specified the minimum requirements for information systems produced for various uses with the aid of nationwide profiles.

Information system suppliers shall present to the Kanta Services on the system form which nationwide profiles and compliant functional requirements and data contents the information system will implement.

Class A or B information systems must be registered in the information system register maintained by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). The register includes the key data concerning documents that are completed during the certification process.

An organisation producing healthcare and social welfare services may join the Kanta Services with the information system after the up-to-date information concerning the system to be deployed is available in Valvira's register of information systems.

The core system (main system) is an information system for healthcare services, in which the patient management and patient record sections have been closely implemented or integrated.

From the viewpoint of joint testing, the main system produces the data contents to be recorded in the Kanta Services.

Interoperability means the synchronisation of the information systems with other information systems with respect to their technology and data contents when the systems use the same data.

In joint testing, it is verified that the information system is interoperable with the Kanta Services and the other information systems connected to it.

The workspace in the Partners site, which is specific to the Kanta Service and system in question and where the material used in joint testing (e.g. test IDs, instructions, test cases) is entered.

The workspace is the principal communication channel during joint testing. The test cases of joint testing are stored in the workspace for joint testing also after testing is completed.

Joint includes one to three testing phases:

  1. testing between the information system supplier and Kela
  2. testing between the client organisation and Kela
  3. cross-testing.

In all joint testing, the system supplier carries out the testing between the information system supplier and Kela. In more extensive joint testing, all three testing phases are carried out.

Testing of interoperability between the client test environment of the Kanta Services and one or several information system suppliers or service providers, using standardised, national test cases and reporting practices.

The Kanta Services provides a statement for the system, including appendices, when the system has passed joint testing. The statement is provided for each service concerning the contents that have undergone joint testing.  Every statement has a unique identification number.

The Kanta Services sends the documents to the information system supplier, the authorities (Valvira and THL), information security inspection body
and for information within the Kanta Services.

After receiving the statement, the system supplier may proceed in the certification process by delivering the statement to the information security inspection body.

The matters presented on the joint testing statement are public.

After joint testing, in addition to the statement, Kela will also issue a test report, setting out more detailed information about

  • the tested content/s
  • the objective of testing
  • the test phases
  • results, and
  • any observations. 

The statement also presents the parties and timetable for joint testing.

The joint testing report and the matters presented in it are not public.

It is requested to provide details of the contact persons of the joining organisation on the joining application for the client test service. These contact persons are verified in the opening meeting for joint testing.

The technical contact person is included on the Kanta Services distribution list for providing information about, e.g. the updates of test environments and technical problems having an impact on testing. This contact person is responsible for the practical issues of testing.

The administrative contact person manages the joint testing of the organisation and is included on the Kanta Services distribution list for communicating about general issues related to the client test service and joint testing. This contact person is responsible for the testing at the administrative level.

The contact person of joint testing takes part in practical joint testing and is included in the distribution list for communicating about matters related to joint testing.

One person may hold several of these roles, and one role may have several persons. Depending on the message contents, the Kanta Services will send the message using one or several of the above-mentioned distribution lists.


Last updated 28.12.2023