Management and experts

Management and experts

Kela is responsible for planning and executing implementation projects for the Kanta Services. Kela supports social welfare and health care providers in the deployment of the Kanta Services.

Email addresses of Kela's staff:

Kanta Development and Services

Development Manager Pirjo Vuorikallas

Development Manager Mira Liski

Development Manager Mia Mustonen

Development Manager Lotta Fordell

Development Manager Anne Kaiterniemi

Head of Service Operations Outi Lehtokari

Head of Service Operations Sanni Isometsä

Chief Architect Mari Peltola-Nykyri

Communications in Kanta services

Communications Manager Minna J. Rantala,, p. 020 6341 488 

Kela's Communications Unit:  

Management of Kanta Services

Director of Information Services Arto Vuori

Head of Unit Marianna Karhu (Information Services, Kanta Services Unit)

Head of Unit Juuso Rahkola (Information Services, Analytics Unit)

Head of Unit Eeva Huotarinen (IT Services) 

Last updated 16.9.2024