Deployment of summaries of key health data

Deployment of summaries of key health data

Summaries of key health data consist of structurally recorded information. The generation of summarised data requires that the data is recorded in a version of the patient data system that supports data contents as per the 2016 or 2023 definitions.

A patient data system can display aggregate data based on summary data when

  • the patient data system is certified for storing and retrieving data contents in accordance with the 2016 or 2023 definitions
  • the healthcare provider has successfully completed the deployment test.

It should be noted that only some of the data may be available in summary form from data recorded in the previous (2014) version of the definitions. These include parts of risk information, diagnoses and vaccines. Other data recorded in the previous version of the specifications are not available as summaries.

More detailed information on the deployment of key health data summaries is available in Finnish and Swedish.


Last updated 18.12.2023