Change communication aims to support the completion of a change with well-planned and uniform communication.
The service enabler has the overall responsibility for communication in a change situation. The service enabler
- is responsible for timely and uniform internal and external communication
- communicates about important issues in each stage of preparing the change
- launches communications on the change together with the information system supplier and other cooperation bodies at a sufficiently early stage.
The service enabler notifies the Kanta Services of the change by email to The notification schedule depends on the nature of the change, and it is specified in further detail in each change instruction. The message describes, for example:
- the current organisation
- details of the nature of change in question (e.g. municipal merger or change of business structure)
- whether a service enabler ceases activity and whether there will be new service enablers
- the names and OID codes of service enablers going through the change
- schedule of the change
- information about possible document transfers
- whether there will be changes in the SOTE organisation register and/or controller register (public sector) or in the licences of service enablers (private sector)
- whether the information system and/or access point used by the service enabler will change or whether there will be any changes in prescription renewals
- situation of preparations.
The service enabler is responsible for communicating about the change to the required cooperation bodies and clients. Key targets of the planning of change communications include the clarification of the key message, the responsibilities, roles, means and channels of communication, target groups, and schedule.