
How can I have a say in the use of my data?

How can I have a say in the use of my data?

You can have a say in the extent to which health care and social welfare professionals, such as doctors, can utilise the data stored about you in Kanta when you use health and social welfare services. Access MyKanta to manage how your data is shared.

Health care and social welfare services professionals can access the data through their client or patient information systems. The professional treating you can also use Kanta to view information that has been recorded about you in other health care organisations, such as another wellbeing services county or a private clinic. The professional will only be able to see data about you that has been recorded elsewhere if you have consented to your data being shared.

In order to guarantee high-quality services, it is important that your data is visible to the professional treating you and managing your affairs. You can access MyKanta to manage how your data are used by giving or denying consent to data sharing.

Log in to MyKanta.

Consent to data sharing

By consenting to data sharing, you provide a declaration of intent and allow your data to be disclosed between the parties treating you, such as public and private health care providers or different wellbeing services counties.

Patient data in health care and client data in social welfare services are governed by separate consent forms. The professionals treating you do not need separate permission to view your prescription data in a treatment situation.

Denials of consent

You can limit the use of your data by setting up denials of consent to data sharing. Denials of consent limit the exchange of data between the wellbeing services counties and between public and private health and social welfare services. You can set a denial of consent to apply to your patient data, prescription data and social welfare services client data.

Consent to the transfer of a Patient Summary to European countries

In MyKanta, you can give your consent to the transfer of your Finnish patient data abroad, if this is necessary. Your Patient Summary may be transferred to another European country if you seek medical care there and have consented to the transfer of a summary of your patient data.

Restriction of use of data for research purposes

You can restrict or object to the processing of your data provided from Kanta for research purposes through Findata. 

Further information

Last updated 18.2.2025