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2.4.2024, Maintenance notice - Citizens

Prescription service downtime on 4 May 2024 from 22.00

We will be making updates to improve the performance of the Prescription service on 4 May 2024 from 22.00.As a result, the service will be down for about 3 hours, during which MyKanta users will not have access to prescription data. Pharmacies and health care units will also not be able to access prescription data during the downtime.

26.3.2024, Notice - Developers

Kantaan voi tallentaa uusia kuva-aineistoja

Kantaan voi nyt tallentaa suun intraoraalikuvia, optisen alan kuvia ja laboratoriojärjestelmällä tehtyjä EKG-tutkimuksia. Terveydenhuolto voi tiedustella käyttöönoton aikataulua järjestelmätoimittajaan.

20.3.2024, Maintenance notice - System developers

Interruptions in the services in April 2024

Planned update and maintenance tasks that may result in interruptions to the use of the services during the month are published here. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.