Medical records

Medical records

Questions and answers about health data in the Kanta Services.

Your visit may have taken place before the health care unit joined the Kanta services, in which case the data will no longer be shown on MyKanta. Old patient data cannot be viewed in MyKanta.

If no information is shown for a visit, the reason may also be that the details have not yet been approved or entered by the healthcare unit. The delay in entries to the Kanta Services varies between organisations.

If your treatment details do not show in MyKanta within a reasonable time, you can ask the healthcare unit in question for more information.


​​​​​​Laboratory results are displayed in MyKanta under the section 'Terveystiedot'.

The results are not necessarily shown under the date on which the tests were carried out, but under the date of the service transaction to which the tests relate. If a laboratory test is booked on a continuous referral, all the results may be under the date of the referral. An ongoing referral may also date back to a time before the health care unit joined the Kanta services, in which case the data will not yet have been entered into Kanta. In this case, a new referral should be issued and entered in Kanta.

There may also be a delay in entering the records in Kanta. The delay varies between organisations. It is also possible that your doctor wants to discuss the results with you before showing them in MyKanta.

If your test results do not show in MyKanta within a reasonable time, you can ask the healthcare unit in question for more information.

You will see your data on MyKanta after the health care unit responsible for your treatment has joined the Kanta services and started entering patient data in the Patient Data Repository.

Patient data that was entered before the health care unit joined the Kanta services will not be shown on MyKanta.

You can ask the health care unit when they joined Kanta.

In MyKanta, you can see the vaccination records entered after the healthcare unit joined Kanta Services.

There is a separate page for vaccinations in MyKanta (Terveystiedot > Rokotukset).

The Vaccinations page may show vaccination records entered into Kanta Services in a new way.  Only some of the healthcare organisations have a patient data system in place that allows for entries in the new way. The records will gradually appear on the Vaccinations page as you receive the vaccine in a unit that already uses the new way of recording the data.

Details of some of the vaccinations you have received may have been recordedin texts entered during your treatment visits. You can search for this information in MyKanta using the search facility on the 'Terveystiedot' page.


On MyKanta, you can record your living will and organ donation testament. Declarations of intent are recorded in Kanta, where they can be accessed in real time by health care units.

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Last updated 29.1.2021