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13.2.2019, Notice is the third most valued online brand in Finland

Taloustutkimus has published the results of the survey “Verkkobrändin arvostus Suomessa 2018” (Valuation of online brands in Finland 2018). The survey investigated the best-known Finnish and overseas online brands.

17.10.2018, Notice - Developers

Archive of Imaging Data is ready for use as part of the Kanta Services

The Joint Municipal Authority for North Karelia Social and Health Services (Siun sote) is the first to adopt the Archive of Imaging Data, which is part of the Kanta Services. The nationwide archive is now available also for other healthcare organisations.

12.10.2018, Notice - Citizens

Organ donation testament can be drawn up in My Kanta Pages

An organ donation testament means that you wish to donate organs and tissues after death to be used in organ transplantation for another person. You can easily save your organ donation testament with just a single click on the Organ donation testament page in My Kanta Pages. If you wish, you can also enter additional information or print out a valid organ donation testament.

17.9.2018, Notice - Developers

Workshop on ICT solutions for freedom of choice on 26 September

Are you preparing the health and social services reform at the county level? Are you interested in the enterprise architecture of ICT systems for freedom of choice? Do you need information about launch processes in the pilots for direct-choice services?

20.6.2018, Notice

My Kanta Pages updated – performs better on mobile devices

My Kanta Pages get a new look and it has been developed to improve accessibility to mobile users. My Kanta pages is being developed by listening to the users. The features are improved on the basis of customer feedback, the client panel, and user surveys. My Kanta pages aims to be an easy-to-use service for everyone to access their personal data in healthcare services.

11.6.2018, Notice

Kanta gets a new look and a new website

The Kanta Services has got a new look. The website has also been published with a new improved look and structure. Kanta connects citizens and social and healthcare professionals to the same source of information.

8.2.2018, Notice - Citizens

Electronic prescriptions are convenient

Since the beginning of 2017, doctors have issued all prescriptions electronically apart from a few exceptional cases. However, e-prescriptions have been introduced in stages already since 2011.

18.1.2018, Notice - Citizens

In 2017: 61.4 million drug dispensing events – 80 log data queries

E-prescriptions have been issued since 2010. In 2017, the number of prescriptions issued was 31.9 million, which resulted in 61.4 drug dispensing events. Kela’s Kanta services received about 80 log data requests from the Prescription Centre in 2017.

15.1.2018, Notice - Citizens

Kanta has improved patient data protection

The national Kanta services are a key basis for smooth and safe sharing of patient data throughout the healthcare supply chain. The Kanta services have considerably increased transparency in the processing of data. Previously, it was not easy for patients to access information that has been recorded on them in the healthcare services. Now this data can be checked in My Kanta Pages. The service also makes it possible to see when and which healthcare unit has processed the information.