Viewing and sharing of data

Viewing and sharing of data

This page contains frequently asked questions and answers about viewing the data stored in the Kanta services and how that data is shared.

We are currently updating the content of this page.


Asiakastietolain tuomat muutokset tietojen luovuttamiseen UKK englanti

Patient data can be utilised and used more extensively than before within wellbeing services counties in connection with health care treatment. Public service providers that previously operated in the area have merged under a single service provider, known as the wellbeing services county. Each wellbeing services county has its own registers for healthcare patient data, occupational healthcare patient data and social welfare client data.

By giving their consent to data sharing, the client can ensure that data is also shared between the wellbeing services counties and between private and public service providers. Denials of consent to data sharing can be issued to restrict data sharing between service providers, for example between the wellbeing services counties and also between public and private service providers.

Denials of consent issued prior to the launching of wellbeing services counties do not prevent the use of data in health care within the wellbeing services county in question.

Service provider-specific denials of consent can still be issued in public health care for wellbeing services’ registers. If the client wishes to check whether the old service provider-specific denial of consent also applies to the health care register of the new wellbeing services county, this can be checked through the patient information system.

Read more about how old service provider-specific denials of consent apply in different wellbeing services counties.

A client’s data can be utilised and used more extensively than before in connection with health care treatment or social welfare services within wellbeing services counties. Public service providers that previously operated in the area have merged under a single service provider, known as the wellbeing services county. Each wellbeing services county has its own register for patient data and social welfare client data.

By giving their consent to data sharing, the patient can ensure that their data is also shared between the wellbeing services counties and between private and public service providers. Denials of consent to data sharing can be issued to restrict data sharing, for example, between the wellbeing services counties and also between public and private service providers.

Service providers must instruct their personnel on what to do if the versioned functionality that provides information about the Kanta Services has not been deployed by 31 December 2023.

If the patient information system has not introduced the versioned Kanta information functionality, it will not be possible to acknowledge a new receipt of information about the Kanta Services in the system. In this case, it will also not be possible to identify whether the client needs to be given the information again.

In such cases, and where possible, it is advisable to direct the clients to MyKanta to acknowledge receipt of the new information about the Kanta Services. After the functionality has been taken deployed in the patient information system, the system will identify clients who have not received the latest information about the Kanta Services in MyKanta or in health care, and will direct the user to provide the client with the information about the Kanta Services.

If the client has not received information about the Kanta Services at all, or if they received the information about the Kanta Services when they were a minor, the client must be provided the information about the Kanta Services when they engage with social and health care services. In this case, they will be given the new information about the Kanta Services, and the old information available in the system will be acknowledged. Previously received information about the Kanta Services in the Patient Data Repository and old consents will remain valid and the sharing of data will not be compromised.

In Uusimaa, data can be shared through a local database if the patient has received version 1.1 or 2.0 of the information about Kanta Services. These versions contain information on Uusimaa's temporary right of access to information.

This means that data can be shared between public service providers in Uusimaa on the basis of the receipt of the information about Kanta Services, and sharing does not require consent to data sharing from the patient.

The patient information system recognises if the customer has not received the latest version of the information about Kanta Services notification and prompts the user to inform the patient again.

If the customer has received a version older than 1.1 or 2.0, data may be disclosed through Kanta if the customer has given their consent to data sharing. Local database disclosures are not permitted in this case.

If the client has limited the sharing of their data, the sharing of the data is not permitted. This is not affected by which version of the information the client has received.

Read more:

Asiakas haluaa asettaa tai purkaa kiellon asioinnin yhteydessä

Jos asiakas ei ole muokannut kieltojaan 2.1.2024 jälkeen OmaKannassa tai sellaisen palvelunantajan luona, jolla on käytössä uudistettu kieltolomake, hänelle ei ole muodostunut uudenlaista kieltoasiakirjaa. Tällöin terveydenhuollossa voidaan edelleen muokata hänen kieltojaan. Uusia kieltoja eli laajaa kieltoa tai yksityisen työterveyshuollon rekisterin kieltoa sen sijaan ei voi asettaa ilman, että uusi kieltolomake on käyttöönotettu järjestelmässä.

Jos asiakkaalle on muodostunut uudenlainen kieltoasiakirja, on mahdollista, ettei hänen kieltojaan pystytä terveydenhuollossa käsittelemään lainkaan. Tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi sitä, ettei asiakkaalle ole mahdollista asettaa uusia kieltoja tai asiakkaan kieltoja ei pystytä perumaan terveydenhuollossa.

Asiakas voidaan näissä tilanteissa ohjata asettamaan haluamansa kiellon OmaKannassa tai sellaisen palvelunantajan luona, jossa kieltolomake on otettu käyttöön. Asiakkaalle on tärkeä selventää, että uudet kiellot pystytään huomioimaan terveydenhuollossa Kannan ulkopuolisissa luovutuksissa sitä mukaa, kun ne on käyttöönotettu tietojärjestelmässä.

Jos asiakas haluaa, että terveydenhuollossa päästään katsomaan hänen aiemmin kieltämiään tietojaan, pitää kiellot perua. Terveydenhuollossa on huomioitava seuraavat seikat:

  • Jos kieltojen peruminen ei onnistu tietojärjestelmässä tai asiakas ei pysty perumaan itse kieltojaan OmaKannassa, voi ammattilainen arvioida hätähaun käyttöä.
  • Jos asiakas on kieltänyt tietojensa luovuttamisen myös hätätilanteessa, ei tietoja ole mahdollista saada Kannan kautta näkyviin.

Tietoja ollaan luovuttamassa esimerkiksi paperilla palvelunantajalta toiselle

Jos ammattilainen on luovuttamassa potilastietoja toiselle palvelunantajalle muilla tavoin kuin Kannan kautta, esimerkiksi paperiluovutuksina, hänen on huomioitava mahdolliset kiellot. Jos asiakkaalla on uusia kieltoja, ammattilainen ei pysty tarkistamaan niitä potilastietojärjestelmästä, mikäli uusia kieltoja ei ole otettu järjestelmässä käyttöön. Asiakkaalle voi kertoa, ettei kieltoja voida katsoa järjestelmästä ja pyydettävä erillinen yksilöivä suostumus, jotta tiedot voidaan luovuttaa.

Ammattilaiset saavat omasta organisaatiostaan ohjeet suostumuksen pyytämiseen ja dokumentointiin.